Jumped onto Kev & Sues boat Saturday morning as they were going up to Stone, really nice getting out of the Marina, cold, but sun blazing, I cannot wait for Tony not to have to work weekends so we can get away, he has spoken to work and it looks like he will stop doing them from March so just in time for better weather we hope!
Anyway had a good mooch around the farmers market, tried some fab Indian chutney and blew my head off with trying one of the pastes, I never learn. Then it was off to the Swan to try the cider they have on offer, bad idea really as I'd had a piece of toast and nothing else, and had to cycle back up the tow path, but I will never learn!
Cider in system & no food = wobbly Julie, but as I'm a stubborn Capricorn I wasn't going to let that stop me cycling back to the Marina. So to try my new(ish) bike, it's a fold up one, made by a UK company called Kansi, and I can't give it a bigger thumbs up. It only weighs 11k so is very light, even i can get it on and off the bus! It had never been down the tow path though and it was a great journey back to Aston, I can't wait for the paths to be a bit less muddy so we can cycle down them all the time. a couple of pics attached bike up & bike folded.
Sunday arrives and another impromptu get together toasting absent friends ;) Sue has added another string to her bow, not only does she make the strongest g&t, it has now been confirmed she makes the strongest whiskey coffee! Hic
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